How to Survive Coronavirus Quarantine
Below is some Coronavirus quarantine advice to help professionals in the industrial sector to cope with quarantine both financially and psychologically.

The first piece of coronavirus advice is about reading this Coronavirus article and others. * Keep in mind the date the article was written. The Coronavirus is spreading so rapidly, and countries are not testing and isolating the majority of their population (with South Korea being the exception). So what is known and true this week, may not be next week, or even tomorrow in some cases.
In writing this, I am amazed at how quickly everything we write, has some outdated attributes by the time we publish it a few days later. When the first case was discovered in the USA, we were saying it could already be here and spreading unchecked, the Government needs to test the entire population and isolate those positives within the week. Here we are over a month later, and the spread with testing delays, result in now it being too late get ahead of the curve and we are in triage mode. (probably over that 50% infected mode.)
Last week we wrote an article with a lot of facts the Government, Doctors and news interviewers were not educating the public on, and most cases downplaying and misleading the public. (From the highest office in the land, the Whitehouse, and on down.) Our research into the real facts, so we could adjust our business to prepare, was alarmingly direr than public officials stated and based their actions on. The day we release the informative article with true facts (, regardless of how bad, the Government/News got on board and was starting to tell our fellow citizens a lot more of the facts. So that article too was a slightly dated.
The overview analogy of the current state of USA Coronavirus outbreak is …
When the USA got a new president, he immediately said, we do not need to purchase oil changes (disbanded pandemic responds office), letting oil go unchecked, the piston froze up while driving down the interstate (the medical system can not handle overflow from disastrous respond time to virus). Now we are currently at trying to hit the brakes on the car and pull to the side before we crash (increased deaths and economic destruction).
Coronavirus Quarantine Advice:
- Because what most do not realize with widespread infection caused by delay in the testing of most of the population, many may experience multiple 2-week quarantines or self-isolation sessions.
- Countries that have done proper and adequate testing are reporting the Coronavirus is much more infectious in the early stages before the person is showing symptoms.
- You might test negative, get released from quarantine, go out, get caught up in another quarantine because someone where you visited tested positive.
- Arguably the most important aspect to your health while enduring Coronavirus quarantine regardless if you are showing symptoms or not, is mental health.
- Stress weakens your immune system and makes you more susceptible to catching the virus and greater negative health effects from having it.
- To combat stress, people need reliable trusted information.
- Try not to get obsessed with anything, cleaning, news, etc.
- If you feel the news is making you anxious, walk away and check back later.
- Remember when research or getting Coronavirus updates, to only view trusted sources and scientists.
- The best way to research is to use Google and look at top page one search results after you skip over the advertiser results at the very top.
- It is not advised to use Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms for your news, as they are not reliable sources. (You want facts, not rumors and punditry during these times.)
- Make your quarantine time productive, connecting with others remotely (call, online, etc.), entertainment, exercise, fresh air, and sunshine.
- Develop new routines as routines are critical to not going stir crazy.
- Add creative exercises to the routine.
- Remember if quarantined, you can and should still go outside, sunshine is important to your health and sanity.
- How productive you can be during the virus quarantine can make the time pass by much quicker.
- Financial worries too, are also a key source of stress. It is hopeful that the Government is finally starting to take the virus seriously, and will provide some financial relief, as will our corporate leaders.
- When advised to “get things done you never had time for before”, make sure learning is one of those ‘things’.
- For those in the manufacturing industry… maintenance, mechanics, electricians, and engineers, taking a remote learning certificate course while Coronavirus quarantined, can help keep your mind off the circumstance, and increase your job skills and employment opportunities after the quarantines pass.
- Keep in mind, with 66%+ of people staying home, Schools doing distance learning, it’s possible you could experience internet access or bandwidth issues.
- When looking for remote learning solutions, you may want to consider software certificate courses you install on your computer. (no internet required after downloading)
- With software certificate courses, you can also get them now to prepare for later since they don’t expire like a lot of online courses do.
- As a backup option, online certificate courses you can take on your phone. (Be aware that with only a phone, bandwidth and signal availability could be an issue too.)
- Bonus, the extra time on your computer will help improve your computer literacy too. A must for those in the maintenance and engineering fields.
CoronaVirus Facts:
Below are some coronavirus facts that until the day before yesterday (3/16/2020) the officials and news weren’t reporting accurately. So many today may not know and understand. So just in case, I am posting again…
- The Coronavirus is more contagious (in your body liquids) before you start to show symptoms. After showing systems like sneezing and coughing, even though less contagious, those acts(symptoms) can result in you spreading it more.
- Coronavirus can stay on surfaces for up to 5 days. Metal, glass and plastic 3 days, paper/cardboard 1 day, aerosol (air)3 hours.
- When groceries come in, use a wipe on the glass and plastic containers, as an extra precaution.
- You may experience more than 14 days quarantine because they don’t have enough tests to test anyone who is suspected of being infected. Otherwise, they would just test you right away, maybe a self-quarantine for 3 hours to 3 days while you wait for test results, not 14 days.
- Testing the same people multiple times throughout this 18 month period will most likely be necessary.
- Keep your mind healthy during the quarantine. Know on average, most people start to show symptoms 5 days in. Knowing this allows you to be more hopeful as opposed to waiting the 14 days for a sigh of relief.
- No more shaking hands or hugs. Just use the Vulcan live long and prosper hand sign instead. 🖖
- Spray your home with Lysol once a day as an extra potential precaution, it may kill the virus on a surface you overlooked.
- Take you shoes off at the door. Especially if you have pets.
- If at all possible, get one month’s worth of supplies. That peace of mind will help during the quarantine.
- People with mild infections can still test positive by throat swabs for days and even weeks after their illness, even though they most likely will not be infectious 10 days after they start to experience symptoms.
I hope those who read this get something out of it, cope with coronavirus pandemic a little easier, and live long and prosper.🖖